Maybe not water itself, but gross things in water that I may accidently touch or ingest. blech...
swimming in natural bodies of water. What the hell is touching my foot? Why is the water brown?
touching the bottom of a swimming pool. I am gagging just thinking about it. And I just peed my pants from a bad case of the "willies". This has not bothered me in the past and has progressively become a stronger and stronger "gross out" for me. it's a shame because I love swimming. I just need my own swimming pool so I don't have to worry about touching someone's old band-aid with my toe.
Unknowingly having debris in a drinking glass. mmmm...ice water is one of my favorite things of all time. One little speck of anything not ice or water and the pleasure quickly fades. I check every time I take a new glass out. I check when I take a drink from an existing glass. I even discretely check when someone else brings me a glass. Should there be anything, time for a new glass. This has made me go thirsty at many a friends house and restaurant.

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