Dear people who wear cartoon character clothing,
I hate you. I am sorry. I do. Please know that I don't need the tazmanian devil across your chest telling me to "back off". I am probably well aware already of my lack of desire to be near you. I also don't need eyore, winnie the pooh, tigger, minnie or mickey saying something "witty" to me as I pass you in the grocery store, because more often than not it only makes me want to ram my cart into you. I know you mean well and it may be the last resort at being "cute" . I find it only fair to inform you that it's not working. I could ignore it. but I don't think they make any of that clothing in any size less than xxxl so it would take tremendous effort to miss. Next time you see a sale on a tweety t-shirt that says "100% cutie" at walmart, put it down. please. thank you.
I am really really sorry if this offends you. You can let me know your feelings in a message tee from hot topic. then any guilt I feel will quickly melt away.

see. even sandra bullock automatically weighs 300 pounds when she puts on a tweety shirt. 100% blonde my ass. shame on you sandra. shame on you.
Holy crap! You totally read my ever-hating mind!!! I HATE cartoon character clothing!!! I'm sure I wore it as a kid, back when I only cared that I wasn't naked, but now I can't even stand it when my KIDS wear cartoon clothes! I know, I'm shallow. Byron has ONE shirt with Micky on it, and it's not cutesie at all and it's the ONLY one I've ever allowed him to wear! He's obsessed with Cars everything right now and really wants a pair of Cars swimming trunks and I JUST CAN'T bring myself to give in!!! Ugh!
thank you! while I was pregnant I chose to, at the risk of being a butch, make it pretty clear I hated cartoon merchandise! I rarely if ever wore cartoons as a kids because my mother feels the same way I do. I didn't even desire to do that as a kid.
bitch, not a butch. hahaha.
marie - you are not a butch or a bitch for thinking this way. a big THANK YOU to you and Jill for feeling how I feel. Can we then talk about people who have Winnie the Pooh tattoos on their ankles?! Makes me want to punch them in the face and then sleep with their dad, just to spite them. I should carry around a fashion bat with me at all times, and just knock around the violaters. sometimes in the face, but sometimes from behind, in the back of the head or the knees. this is bringing out the rage. don't get me started on disney parties, disney shoes, and just tweety bird in general.
great post. you stirred my emotions!
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