Wednesday, February 25, 2009

12 little nuggets of knowledge.

  1. I never realized to silly kids like josh and I could make such a cute kiddo!
  2. I don't think that I would have gotten to the one month mark without josh. For some reason he becomes more wonderful everyday and I do not thank him enough.
  3. We have AMAZING friends and family. Thank you for all of the visits, calls, meals, household help and packages in the mail!  Parker is so lucky to have all of you!
  4. Suddenly I don't mind being pooped on or cleaning up poop sprayed on the wall.  ( I guess I DO mind but not when it is from parker)
  5. I have more understanding for why parents do the things they do. 
  6. Showers are a gift that should never be taken for granted. 
  7. Same goes for eating a meal, getting dressed and cleaning. yes, cleaning is a gift. to me.
  8. The constant sobbing stopped about a week and a half ago. Now I am afraid it is turning into constant nagging. working on it!
  9. I am torn about going back to work. it will be nice to have a break but I am pretty sure 8 hours a day is too long of a break. 
  10. Parker is finally getting the hang of living on the outside. He is starting to be like clockwork. A clock that will probably change every week.
  11. I swore I would never be ok with touching parkers boogers or bulb saringing his nose. funny how I did both those things without blinking an eye. 
  12. I wish I had time to take more pictures.


Shauna said...

I love all of your nuggets of knowledge. I am so proud of you and Josh. Parker is a lucky kiddo and I can't wait to love on him.

Allison said...

I'm so glad you posted, I check your blog everyday :) We loved getting to see you all... we're going to some irish festival thing in Eugene in a couple weekends, maybe we can arrange a rendezvous.