Dear Santa,
You may be wondering why I am writing you in September, months before your "peak" time of year. This year I have many many wishes I would like you and your elf slaves to grant and I thought it only fair to give you plenty of advanced warning.
- I would like you to make sure Parker gets the best first Christmas ever. He deserves it. He Sleeps almost 12 hours a night.
- Make sure my grandma gets to have an 80th birthday. That would be cool.
- I want some boots. good boots. Boots that instantly fix any outfit. I also want them to give off a vapor that makes people forget how often I would wear them so the cool factor is never lessened.
- Please give me some lightning bolts to throw at those who choose to tailgate me on the freeway. I have a baby and a limited income, I do not want to get in an accident or get a ticket. therefore I drive the speed limit. Don't do it for me. Do it for Parker. His first words probably shouldn't be "get off my ass, douche bag!"
- On behalf of our dog, Joey, Please send some sort of "anti-wiener dread lock" potion. Despite our best grooming efforts he still gets them. it's sick and awkward.
- An oil change for the car. (yeah...still haven't done that....)
- A force field to protect Parker from all toddler related injuries. And a force field for some of our more expensive belongings to protect them from all toddler related injuries.
- A time machine would be nice. I would go back to my middle school years and tell myself how to do it right. After that I would visit high school me and tell myself not to go through with that perm. And that hair dye job.
- Move all of my best friends next door. This whole across the state, across the country and across the world thing isn't working for me. I miss them terribly. Make it sound like a really exciting adventure with lucrative opportunities so they do not resent me for making them move to Springfield.
- New underwear. I could easily fulfill this one, but I thought I would ask.
Be a peach and do your best. I thought that if your crap could pop into stores before Halloween, it wasn't too forward for me to write so early.
P.S. To return The favor, here are a few people for your naughty list: Rush Limbaugh, Tyra Banks, Glenn Beck, Local TV weather people, My insurance company, Comcast and my neighbors who park on our lawn and let their dogs use it as a toilet.