So...I hearby declare this day to be "I don't like that tuesday"! as will all tuesdays from this day forth as long as I have nothing better to do on a tuesday...
for the first installment I choose...
Glade commercials

Give me a F!@#ing break. Being unemployed for the time being, my t.v. consumption is a little higher in the recent days (I am not going to pretend that I am too wholesome to have the t.v. on in the background for much of my day.) and I tense up with annoyance every time a glade commercial comes on. Their spokeswoman is always trying to trick people into believing that her glade smells are the real thing. And then, at the end, after all her pals are shocked and in disbelief, she says "and yes, it's glade" while she stares at the camera without blinking. Just shut up. no one cares.